Udruga za glazbeno-scenske prakse.




Kamene babe rezidencijalno u Lončarima

Kamene babe kasno ljeto provode rezidencijalno u Lončarima na umjetničkom istraživanju “Arheologija bića” i pozivaju na druženje !

Četvero umjetnik/ca – Lisa Stewart, Nadezda Nazarova, Matteo D’Ercole i Jagoda Cupać – boravit će od 14.-23. rujna na imanju Pueblo Escondido gdje će se upoznati s metodama rada kazališnog pedagoga i redatelja Sergeija Kovalevicha – International Theater Observatory.

Radit ćemo s pjesmama i tekstom, u suradnji s kanjonom, rijekom Bijelom, a nadamo se i s prijateljima Lončara i Puebla Escondida u što većem broju.

Stoga vas pozivamo da nam se pridružite:

* u nedjelju 15.09.24 od 9:00-10:00 na sesiji tai chi/qigong i zajedničkom doručku (za sudjelovanje najavite se na 097 6696 135, da vas računamo za doručak)

** u nedjelju 22.09.24 od 18:00-19:00 na participativnom performansu gdje ćemo dijeliti pjesme i zajedno stvarati nove – nikakvo pjevačko iskustvo nije potrebno, samo dobra volja

*** u nedjelju 22.09.24 od 20:00 na druženju uz projekcije dokumentarnih filmova (u sklopu projekta “Avlije u ofsajdu”) i kazališnih radova redatelja Sergeija Kovalevicha

Umjetničko istraživanje “Arheologija bića” organizira Udruga Kamene babe u suradnji s International Theater Observatory i rezidencijalnim prostorom Pueblo Escondido, uz financijsku podršku Zadarske Županije i Europske Unije, kroz program Goethe Instituta Culture Moves Europe.

Dizajn vizuala: Nadezda Nazarova / Fotografija: Zrinka Džoić

——— ENG ————

Kamene babe are spending the late summer in residence in Lončari for the artistic research “Archaeology of beings” and invite you to come join!

Four artists – Lisa Stewart, Nadezda Nazarova, Matteo D’Ercole and Jagoda Cupać – will be staying from the 14 to the 23 September at the Pueblo Escondido estate, where they will learn about the working methods of theater pedagogue and director Sergei Kovalevich – International Theater Observatory.

We will work with songs and lyrics, in cooperation with the canyon, the Bijela River, and hopefully with many friends of Lončari and Pueblo Escondido.

Therefore, we invite you to join us:

* on Sunday 15.09.24 from 9:00-10:00 a.m. for a tai chi/qigong session followed by breakfast (to participate, call 097 6696 135, so that we count you in for breakfast)

** on Sunday 22.09.24 from 18:00-19:00 at a participatory performance where we will share songs and create new ones together – no singing experience is necessary, just good will

*** on Sunday 22.09.24 from 20:00 at a gathering with screenings of documentary films (as part of the “Avlije u ofsdajdu” project) and theatre works by director Sergei Kovalevich

The artistic research “Archaeology of being” is organized by the Udruga Kamene babe in cooperation with the International Theater Observatory and the residential space Pueblo Escondido, with the financial support of the City of Zadar, Zadar County and European Union, through the Goethe Institute’s Culture Moves Europe program.

Visual design: Nadezda Nazarova / Photography: Zrinka Džoić

This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.